Joe Biden’s new nickname. Because he is an ugly old fart. An old piece of crap and his presidency will be shite.
I just saw moldy poopoo on Television giving a speech.
by WorseThanHitler November 27, 2020
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An insult just by the only the most courageous slingers that would make LeBron James cry and Michael Jackson spirit poop himself the deadliest known insult in the entire world
When Braxton called Nathan a pp poopoo pants he died of getting recked
by Me big pp boi September 13, 2021
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bikers munching sliders look to the past for better riders stars and stripes

and girls in stetsons cows in buns and boys in westerns rock then roll for big check paydays mountain ranges

ten lane freeways this


land is our land but once was their land the untamed food of

gold rush miners the beef, the fries the roadside diners, oh say can you see from the nation of night its gift to the world the burger is might! look to the past for better riders stars and stripes and girls in stetsons cows in

and boys in westerns rock then roll for big check paydays mountain ranges ten lane freeways this land is our land but once was their
holy peepee poopoo check
by Gbungper September 30, 2023
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Used to call someone out on immature and childish behaviour
Me "Dude did you see Alex crying about how her mom wouldn't buy her V-bucks"
Friend "Yeah she's such a stinky poopoo"
by Duck Duck Moose January 12, 2020
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A dog that continuously poops, pees, and whines everywhere, in spite of the efforts of the trainers to condition them to do the opposite.
by bluecci June 10, 2021
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