A lesbian ritual in which a lesbian dominatrix urinates into an enema bag and then immediately inserts the enema tube into her lesbian slave's anus and releases the full contents of the enema bag into her slave's intestines.

Or, sometimes a funnel is inserted into the slave girl's anus and the lesbian dominatrix urinates directly into her slave's rectum.

In either case, the maximum temperature of the lesbian dominartrix's urine is retained, thereby the name "hot piss enema".
Stephanie has not urinated for 36 hours in preparation for giving Allison her famous lesbian hot piss enema!
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Nurse 1"Why is that new nurse late again'?

Nurse 2 "She said her bady daddy was late picking up the kids due to a 19 car accident on the freeway that he caused because he is such a loser he 4 flat tires and then ran out of gas, so he abandoned his car and walked 3 miles to her house." According to her its not her fault she got knocked up by an irresponsible loser. '

Nurse 1 "Yeah, whatever, he/she needs an enema"
by voodoomutt February 22, 2012
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To take your size 10 steel-toed workshoe with your foot still in it and stick it up someone's butt.
How would you like a size 10 steel-toed enema?
by PeeBee February 13, 2004
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A sex move; typically performed by gay men on each other. The dominant male will insert a greased potato into the rectal cavity of his partner, and both men will masturbate all over the bed sheets. Traditionally, both men will sleep together in the semen-covered sheets after the action has been performed.
Two of my friends did an Idaho enema in my parent's bedroom at a party. Cleaning that out the next morning was a disaster! the whole room smelled like a casting couch.
by blyat_boy February 11, 2021
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When you're constipated so bad that you have your husband pee in your butt to release the blockage.
I woke up in the middle of the night not being able to take a shit until my husband gave me a rusty enema.
by the_jza September 12, 2020
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When a dehydrated man urinates inside of the anus of another person. Preferably without the recipient wiping their butt after a poop.
Get over here you swamp donkey.. I'm gonna give you a rusty enema!
by Tony Danza 2020 September 12, 2020
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