a woman with an economics major is probably a huge bitch with an anti social personality and is very incapable of love. she is very pretty but very much a horrible person. its not because she can make her own choices, its because shes hurting people with them. they may be the money making machine, but she wont get a boyfriend because with all the money she has earned with whatever business she starts with that bachelor she wont need one
i dont wanna date a woman with an economics bachelor cause i think shes gonna hit me
by The Big Apple on Yik Yak November 22, 2021
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It is when two economic systems clash
When a capitalism and socialism clashes each other then it can say as an economic warfare
by Ziad K Abdelnour September 18, 2018
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AP Economics is a scam class made by the collegeboard, which is ironic because they’re basically a true definition of a monopoly. If you don’t know what a monopoly is, it’s when one firm controls an entire market, getting to set their own high inflated prices, benefiting few consumers achieving a near productive or allocated efficiency. Does this sound familiar? Oh wait that’s literally the Collegeboard (commentary credit to @AnxiousJoe on Youtube. You can find it on his AP Test Tier List video.), and on top of that, you will find yourself graphing A LOT!! If you’re not a math or statistics person, graphing is going to be difficult for you. This class is basically a second math class even though it claims “that it’s minimal”, gurl I still have to find the area of a triangle in AN ECON CLASS. You may have to deal with poor grades and bad GPA!! Side effects of this class includes watching too much Jacob Clifford videos, staying up until 3 AM, having a low self-esteem, graphing until your hands hurt (aka arthritis), joints swelling, being on meds like advil and tylenol, and having mental breakdowns.
student 1: how was the ap economics test?
student 2: man i don’t understand microeconomics. what the hell is the supply and demand curve? i still don’t understand what price elasticity means.

second semester:

student 1: dude do you know what a monopoly is?
student 2: what the hell is that? i’m not learning macroeconomics right now.
by kiwikookie November 8, 2022
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Government and Central Bank policies of lower interest rates, higher taxes, wealth redistribution, and stimulus spending to create supposed prosperity or alleviate economic ills without the realization of any negative effects occurring as a result of their economic actions in the economy.
The recent Inflation Reduction Act is Candyland economics because it spends more money and increases taxes, instead of addressing the issue of inflation which is a monetary problem.
by jondich September 18, 2022
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The theoretical study of using made up science to explain everything. Economists typically live on boats.
Do you’ve an explanation on how god turned water into wine?
It’s simple economics, duh
by I'm online as 3 July 30, 2021
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Meaning of Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in English:

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance


fuller form of Comecon

Translating Russian Sovet ékonomicheskoĭ vzaimopomoshchi.
How to use Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (ˈkaʊns(ə)l fɔ (r) ˈmju tʃuəl ˌi kəˈnɒmɪk əˈsɪst(ə)ns) in a sentence is still unknown.

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (ˈkaʊns(ə)l fɔ (r) ˈmju tʃuəl ˌi kəˈnɒmɪk əˈsɪst(ə)ns)
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022
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You know the economy is going to cum back, but you don't know when, and you don't know where it might go.
Helen told her boyfriend that his orgasms were so inconsistent, he should be studying the Theory of Economic Ejaculation.
by Bob Velvetta April 6, 2020
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