bozo who wont be quiet like madlad ultimate wont be quiet
im eating a scone rn its nice
lil subz vert is very subtraction
by raticate December 11, 2021
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A young girl who hates Mr.Carroll and wishes he gets hit by a pick up truck. Love you Mookalaylay
by mysoggycornflakes January 30, 2023
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pre-vert (n) when a person is obsessing and fruitlessly examining a past failure but in an extreme
"Chad was such a douchebag."
"Katie's such a bitch.
"I should've dumped (him/her) months ago"

"You broke it off, and it's over. Let's move on. Don't be a pre-vert"
by Content-ment411 August 7, 2019
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A powered up version of Lil Tony His hair becomes purple and his rap skills goes tremendously high. At this point Stronger than Huge Toni, Yet weaker than Omni Tony
Person 1: Yo Did you see when lil Tony went into his Lil Tony Vert form?
Person2: I heard the power could be felt over in North Korea
Person 1: Kim jong un got something coming to him
by Honeylune October 25, 2018
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The best Fucken place ever fucken built in the history of building anything.It was the place to be any time of the day,any time of the night.You could go there and have a skate and your troubles would be gone and your thaughts would be clear.You could meet new peopel and learn new tricks and have he time of your night.After having a skate here you would feel so good about yourself.It was the best skatepark ever built and had the best locals and the best Fucken everything.
Tommo:Oi Ben man vert-x shuy down man.
Tommo:did you here me man
Tommo:oi ben lad
by Darren Thomson May 10, 2005
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person:did you know hateful(tall)vert is 7'8?
person2:yes! that's quite impressive indeed!
by corpsewaifu October 30, 2020
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