When you have a severe case of writer's block that's so bad, you get upset.
Symptoms may include:
writer's block
feelings of sadness
might include crying
Meghan's writer's block was so bad, she developed writer's depression.
by Betty Jo April 28, 2020
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A self-deprecating reference after you've made a joke where the wording is awkward, but you still think there's a meaningful joke in there.
It's like when there's a mailman, you know, and so the dog, a Golden Retriever, it was humping his leg, down there.

... the writers will make it funny
by samois98 November 19, 2019
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Ohohohohohoho! Maybe not a charlatan! Are we starting to believe the things we say? Because I was going to go on a about how meritocracy isn't real and use myself as evidence... You know? Cause of all the blatant and public exploitation? But that might no longer be necessary! I don't have a bank account so just bring a briefcase full of money.
Hym "OHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! Oh!? Is the world-changing, genius philosopher your co-writer now!? Is that was makes your book so deep? Because it was co-written by the Mariana trench in human form? Hohohohohohoho! You're a lucky guy! To have the world's greatest mind on retainer like that. Maybe I was wrong about you!"

Iam "You forgot the 'convenient excuse' part..."

Hym "Huh? Oh! Ah shit! Yeah, Autism would be a super convenient excuse for my behavior. Untouchable! Beyond contempt! Above scrutiny! Better than everyone! Ahahahahahaha!"
by Hym Iam January 3, 2023
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When you keep writing or coloring and cannot stop. You will let your hand slip off the paper, and stab someone.
An evil plot to get rid of the population.
I had writer colider, and stabbed Jimmy in da eye.

by I am Iron Man April 8, 2006
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When you read a piece of literature so terrible that you suddenly have the extreme urge to write something better than it
Sam: hey did you go see r/menwritingwomen?
Violet: yes and it gave me severe writer's rage.
by E.V.D. January 2, 2021
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retarded asshole who thinks they're some great author, but they end up writing shitty roleplays filled to the brim with furry shit and data redacted.

author equivalent of soundcloud rapper
Jake: Yo, check out this story I wrote about an SCP, its REDACTED} {EXPUNGED} THE GREAT, about how sexy furry demons lick dr brights long cock and bang scp 049 in massive sexy yiff orgy

Bob: Yo, who the fuck is this asshole??

John: Nah, he's an SCP writer💀
by ACNHVillagersfatcock May 9, 2024
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A person that used scat or urain to write on the bed sheet
*Bed writer* Someone Who pisses on the bed.
by Rose koi June 2, 2022
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