As used by Kim Catrall's character, Samantha Jones, in an episode of "Sex and the City"; a situation of extreme misfortune or catastrophe, usually regarding relationship problems, wardrobe malfunctions, or unintended pregnancy. Those involved in "shit mother fucker fuck shit situations" often find it hard to explain themselves when the truth comes out and then find it even harder to repair the damage they cause.
Lacey: "You'll never believe what happened to me yesterday"

Sue: "Bryan found out you were cheating on him with his best friend, didn't he?"

Lacey: "Yep, talk about a shit mother fucker fuck shit situation."
by Chainsaw22 September 14, 2007
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The exchange rate between the words used in the "I don't give a ___" phrase. In a recent treaty between all English-speaking nations, it has been determined that there are:

2.71828183 shits per one fuck
3.14159265 damns per one shit

and 5.02734907 x 10^5 hoots per one damn
Brett: You see that cloud up there? It doesn't give a fuck about your existence _or 2.71828183 shits or 3.14159265 damns or 5.02734907 x 10^5 hoots.

Alex: Wow, you know the entire hoot-damn-shit-fuck exchange rate.


Boy: I don't give two fucks about your feelings!

Girl: wow you really don't care about me
by Vyplnit December 7, 2011
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When somebody does ignorant shit, or doesn’t listen to you when you tell them the right thing to do.
by marvshub June 25, 2021
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The example used in one of the shrugging emoticon definitions.
There aren't any definitions of cunt dick shit fuck ass bitch cock yet
by BirchBuns November 30, 2016
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