A huge gathering of a high school's student body to support and cheer for their class and boo the other classes.
Chants and Cheers,decorations,games.
The homecoming pep rally is a big part of the High School experience.
Typical response after a High school homecoming pep rally
"The Homecoming pep rally was loud, people were rowdy, and it was like a mosh pit of people crowded against each other, it was so fun"
by The Btown definer September 19, 2008
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suggestion for those/he/she who has wronged one!! encouragement for these same individuals to find 'great glory' from the smell of my shit, or farts!!
they turned you down for the job! -yeah, well they can rally round my butt stink!!

those 'music makers' can rally round my butt stink!!

those not liking my concepts can rally round my butt stink!!
by michael foolsley January 30, 2010
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1. When you are scared out of your wits that you are gonna get caught or in trouble for doing something you shouldn't be.

2. (Syn) Sweatin' like a whore in church.
Man I was driving home from the bar after some suds and when that cop turned his lights on behind me I was sweatin' like Michael Vick at a PETA rally!

by Charlie Golf October 2, 2007
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In a game of egyptian ratscrew, a player who is out slaps back in and rallies to win the game.
Dave: You lost? I thought u were about to win.
Tom:Well Jim was out, but he had a nice slap and rally and won the game.
by idkidkidk999 August 8, 2010
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To feel and act "lighter", more sprightly after a shit..
Me: "I feel like a gazelle since I dropped that deuce 10 minutes ago! Whooooo!"
Friend: "Man, you really "Shit and Rally", huh? All night you were moping around saying how flat you feel, and now you're all keen to party for hours!"
by Headcaver May 18, 2023
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When a bong session is moving too fast for a weaker member to keep up. Derived from the british word, stacker, and designed as a play on words with the Dakar Rally.
D: Mate, slow down on these bongs a bit. I'm wrecked.
B: Nahhh man, I'm gagging for a tube.
D: Go on mate, its like the shtackar rally or summet.
by djdeej June 3, 2010
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He turned on the engine and rallied it all the way home
by smf101 June 2, 2021
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