A fat, rock-looking boy with poor dieting skills
Jeez, you are such a Luke Hames
by JonnyStorm69420 May 3, 2023
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a collquiol term to describe when one male has cybersex with one male thought to be female, the first male is then rejected from the group he is in, rejected by his girlfriend, and forced to hang out with the monobrows.
Person 1: OMG did you here Jerry got luke-xiled from his group

Person 2 : LOL what a douche
by Jerichoholic93 October 21, 2008
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Saint lukes, or what is more commonly referred to as “saint pukes”, is a wanky, pretentious, religiously dogmatic private institution on Sydney’s northern beaches. The austere nature of the homophobic, conservative and racist teachers perfectly aligns with the repulsive personalities of the uptight students who attend; who’s inability to the shut the absolute fuck up about how good they are, leaves them friendless beyond the bounds of this institution (prison). Despite being financially aided by the government, like every other unfairly funded private establishment, the school still somehow manages to bare resemblance to Satan’s fiery rectum. The ineffectual swine that decided on its location, quite obviously managed to wag every Geography lesson on topography, as this hideous shithole sits on Mount Everest. In the earlier decades of its creation, the NSW police were forced to build a station on a nearby street due to the sheer number of students that reported being molested by the countless nuns that guard the campus. Rumour has it, if you sniff hard enough you can smell the lingering aroma of jan robinsons perfume, however caution is required, as PTSD attacks have been triggered by this in the past.
Person 1: who’s that insufferable wanker over there with the obnoxious personality reading the bible??
Person 2: yeah that’s a saint lukes student
by Purpledino:) January 24, 2021
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The gayest furry you shall ever encounter in your lifespan. In the end, the truth about Luke Level has been revealed, this man is the epitomy of a drug lord and a male stripper, he flashes his nipples to 3 year old girls in the street, and milks his ball sack every day. Luke Level's dad's bald head is shiny and I was able to see the reflection of him in a furry suit on there. What a bitch nigga! Luke has voted for hillary in the 2018 election and is jacking off to his mother's pube hair and period blood! EWW ! what an indian essay write im gonna write an essay on this, so basically lets get started.

for Greg Greger


Where were the neighbors? Out of town?
In my pajamas, I sat at my father's feet
in front of their squat, myopic television,

the first in our neighborhood.

On a screen the size of a salad plate,
toy airplanes droned over quilted fields.
Bouquets of jellyfish fell: parachutes abloom,
gray toy soldiers drifting together, drifting apart—

the way families do, but I didn't know that yet.

I was six or seven. The tv was an aquarium:

steely fish fell from the belly of a plane,

then burst into flame when they hit bottom.

A dollhouse surrendered a wall, the way such houses do.

Furniture hung onto wallpaper for dear life.

Down in the crumble of what had been a street,

women tore brick from brick, filling a baby carriage.


What was my young father,

just a few years back from that war,

looking for? The farm boy from Nebraska
Sydney: Omg! I love Luke! I want to fuck the shit out of luke until he pukes in my blue waffle vagina!

Luke Level: No need to worry I will fuck you with my long fox cock! on fox news!
by Kian Sucka February 24, 2020
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Prettiest smile in the east. Best style in the west. Dick biggest in the south. And his drip alone conquered the world.
“Luke Wightman is sexy as a fuckstick on crack
by Broughton November 7, 2020
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People called 'Luke Dean' typically have a really girthy cock, the issue is they tend to trip over the third leg...
wow Luke Dean loves xmas soup from Greggs!!
by lukeeeeeeeddeeeeeeaaaan March 7, 2022
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