When you shit in a pillow case and beat someone about the head and shoulders.
He didn't pay for his half of the hotel so he got a cincinnati surprise.
by Only1realme May 10, 2018
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when you are fucking your guy in the ass and then proceed to get another guy to unknowingly suck your dick post ass fuck
"Last night I fucked Mikey in the ass and then gave Andrew a burrito surprise."
by bangkokbananahammock May 27, 2015
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When one eats only cucumber until their poop turns green. Take the poop and freeze it. Then stick it in someone's ass.
by Twitchness September 27, 2017
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A bowl of cereal of cereal where instead of using milk, you use beer. Typically consumed by Radiohead listeners.
Bro let me down so I made him do No milk and no surprises
by Incel69 June 20, 2022
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A taco made with 2 teaspoons of cum and a small handful of hair shavings and dandruff
I heard Austin gave them the Tallent Surprise in a taco making competition
by Blakkk October 30, 2020
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Taking a big dump in a toilet without flushing and leaving it for someone else to find.
I left a texas surprise for Dr. Ikpatt in his personal bathroom, he will never know it was me!
by Plausible Deniability September 28, 2014
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The act of organising a birthday party for someone on a WhatsApp group that they are on. To both maintain an air of semi-secrecy and still respect the birthday haver’s wish of no surprise party, messages are typed and sent ‘quietly’.
Griff: ok guys, next Wednesday it is
Meg: Thilo is on the group though so we all have to type quietly

Gabe: ah, a good ole’ Berlin surprise
by Ashley Coates March 2, 2023
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