When an entity (be it human or computer) is winning or beating an opposing entity on a videogame, computer game, or other electronic device because of slow connection over the Internet or delay in the function of the device.
Dude, the only reason why you won the last multiplayer sudden death match was because of Lag Advantage. If my connection was faster, I would've won.
by pliterallyh September 10, 2009
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The experience one has when your head says you're in one time zone, your body says you're in another.
My mother's friend was once so jet lagged that she fell asleep standing up in a store.
by Bookish13 June 14, 2009
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To have an internet connection as shitty as a only a nigger would have.
Dude fix your nigger lag, its making this game impossible to play.
by Drail1169 April 6, 2008
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Anybody who is straight up tripping on the household product Robitussin.
Wow, look at that J-lag over there near the empty Robitussin box.
by JigglyjellyrollsBarret October 10, 2011
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Occurs when you first see a girl and she is not attractive, however as time passes she starts getting more and more attractive, may take hours or months
Yo that girl bitch lagged me so hard.
by X-23S March 29, 2010
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The occurance of when playing an on-line game and your screen freezes due to a lag in your internet connection or with the game server, resulting in finding your character dead when you resume play.
Jim: "What happened? You were just sitting there while we were being attacked."

Bryon: "Sorry bro... serious lag problem"

Jim: "Dude. Lag death blows!"
by tmarshall October 4, 2006
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1.) When the server of an MMORPG causes you to Log Out due to lag or a bad internet connection.

2.) The process of getting booted from the server of an MMORPG when experiencing lag. This can be caused by multiple things. The most common is the result of a bad internet connection, the second most common is when the server is experiencing a lot of activity and has to automatically log players out to relieve some of the lag.
Dude, This game is being a douche! It keeps lagging me out.

Sorry I couldn't help, I got lagged out.

Player 1: Hey, can you come help me with a quest in <insert town name here>? Player 2: Sorry, that towns too crowded. I always get lagged out when I go there.
by Spaz Havok July 22, 2009
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