According to many politically correct liberals today, just about anyone who uses the term fag, gay, or homo instead of Homosexual. This makes most teenagers who ever existed homophobes. Otherwise, a person who is made uncomfortable by gays because they find gay sex to be gross
Teen: What a faggot!
ACLU Protester: Homophobe! You will pay for your hatred!
by AngryRetard July 18, 2005
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being afraid of homosexuals or doing anything that might get u called one
by p3nis March 1, 2003
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-My Dad is a bit of a homophobic...
-Your dad is not a homophobic, he's just an asshole.
by D. Clue September 11, 2012
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homophobic means you hate houses!
“I hate houses.” …”oh so your homophobic?”
by toriluvsu October 13, 2021
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It mean somebody who fears homosexual or gay people. People misuse this word. They think it means that a person hates gays. It doesn't you idiot. I don't think anyone is scared of gays. At least I'm not.
I am a homophobic, so whenever I am around one I always shiver up, and then I call the police.
by Kitty_Katty__ April 8, 2017
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A person (particularly a male) who "hates" or is afraid of homosexuals; this behavior is actually because they are also gay themselves or are afraid that they are gay but don't want to know so they use the label, "homophobe" to disguise themselves
John: Eww! Stupid fags get a room.
Amy: Oh shut up John, you are gay.
John: What? no i'm not! Gay people creep me out. I think i'm a homophobe.
Amy: Yea, whateva. You're in denial.....
by correctDefinition July 25, 2008
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