hailo cheerio is anyone named hailey.

who just love harry styles - and have besties named val.
hailo cheerio makes me go UwU
by nodal el nopal September 15, 2021
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The hip hip Cheerios gang was founded in late 2020. A gang of mediocre personalities consisting of Aicila, Habih, Ilajna, Yithurrush, Inele, and Hayak. This gang was known to share memes-that’s it. Take years to plan one outing and ions to decide on a movie genre. They are the reality in the “expectation vs reality” meme. The gang is sweet and omg so qUiRkY! Everyone in the gang is unique, there is only one leader and it’s Shrek. He comes to check up on the group once every 100 years. Fun fact the hip hip Cheerios gang originally formed in 2018 but was reformed due to sussy behaviour in the previous chat.
Omg look at that sus car they must be a part of Hip hip Cheerios gang !
by Yimmi October 17, 2021
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Something male bees do, the act of producing honey, or buying honey, fucking, and then dieing
Person1: im gonna honey nut cheerio tonight
Person2: oh god oh no
by Blight 420 July 2, 2021
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Tuesday is the day I put cheerios up my bum
Crackhead chris: I am going to put cheerios up my bum on Tuesday

Tweaky Tyler: why

Crackhead Christopher the Third: Cheerio tuesdays innit

Tweaky Tyler: fairs
by Reggiedownthestreet August 31, 2022
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A male Mexican feeding Cheerios to another male/female, from the tip of his dick
Want to have a Mexican Cheerio tonight Ozzy?
by SmogzV2 April 1, 2022
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When small children drop cheerios all over the floor and an adult later steps on one. Instead of exploding like a landmind, you hear a crunch and the cheerio turns to a fine powder that is almost impossible to clean up without a vacuum.
Heather: "Anna please eat your cheerios in the chair!!!"

Anna: "OK Mommy!" (Running off with cheerios in hand to see what is outside leaving a trail of cheerios.)

Tom: (Wakes from sleep, another long night of taking care of the screaming kids) "Oh I am so tired.." CRUNCH "Oh damn it, I just stepped on a cheerio landmind. Get the vacuum!!! ANNNNAAAAA!!!!!!"
by tpwhite49 August 23, 2012
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