A type of scented lotion, NOT made from a conpany. Made from Perfume and Lotion,
Perfume and Spike Solution or Scented Soap Extract and Spike Solution.
Just whipped up some Checker Solution for my homies, it’s extra strong.
by Bathrooom_Potion_Expert May 14, 2022
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Is not cheating with someone in a relationships as home wrecker , but rather communicates and slightly flirts with them to see how stable the relationship is
Billy accepted his title of home checker as he got his ass beat after flirting with Kyle’s girlfriend.
by Grip Reaper April 10, 2023
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Description of the never ending power grab, soap opera with the sale and control over Tik Tok.
That Tik Tok deal has been like watching Chinese checkers.
by September 22, 2020
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To be nice and stoned. Also works when comfortably crossed.
Will was checkered up last night, he forgot where he was!
by Patrickbatmane August 14, 2022
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uhh uhh butts?
aight im go out and clap some butty checkers
by wolfy474 January 26, 2023
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When you fact check something so hard it becomes true
"Person A: Source?

Person B: I've been checkering this onion all day.
Person A: Then it must be true!"
by Shattybatty May 31, 2023
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It's what vovich has
I have a checkered memory. there is a 50/50 chance that i might remember what colour my tshirt was 4 years ago and same rule applies for my breakfast today
by CitizenKhaine August 4, 2019
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