Yahoo Answers is a place where people can give their honest answers to people's honest questions. Whether the answers are correct or not, is of course not guaranteed, because they can be given by anyone.

When liberals see answers on Yahoo Answers they don't agree with it, they start shit talking / shit posting, which causes them to get violation notices and such. Because of a general lack of understanding from the average liberal, he/she/it sees this as propaganda, simply because the site does not allow people to badmouth people's honest answers.
A guy asked a (somewhat dumb) question. When a liberal talked shit to that person, the liberal got a violation. Now the liberal calls Yahoo Answers extreme right-wing propaganda, also known as, Yahoo Propaganda Answers.
by Tyronius Maximus June 29, 2017
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When ur friend leaves his laptop unattended so you set his browser homepage to Yahoo instead of Google.
When John left to go to the washroom, I gave his internet browser the ol' Yahoo Switcharoo.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian January 22, 2020
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When you’re spit roasting a lass with ur m8 & u both quickly change sides
My turn round’ front bruv, Yahoo Switcharoo!!”
by hellakellerd November 7, 2019
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What is the IMDB score on this one movie. Idk yahoo it
by Git_fuked_boi May 12, 2017
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Nigerian term for internet or credit card scams.
" Bro how far, you don cash out from that yahoo you been dey run?"
by Ya Roe April 30, 2022
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Somebody that does or thinks about or begins to do something that is seen as too big for them.
Guy one: JJ is such a bozo for thinking that he can take on the entire challenge has he ever even been on the course.
Guy two: That may seem so but he does have the skills he is just trying something that cant be done.
Guy one: Hes always been a yahoo.
JJ: Stfu you guys are lame as fuck
by Basiclyfe December 26, 2022
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