A Troll that trolls trolls by agreeing with them and then upping the ante.
Troll: Children should be allowed to vote
Ogre: That's SO true! Voting is ageist! Babies should be allowed to vote. From the womb!
by Shadeseeker August 9, 2021
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The second part of the well known fable known as “Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life
It’s the last day of school, and I’m in my last class. I’m talking with my super cool teacher, thanking him for a Shrektastic year. “It was charming to be with you” he told me… N-no! It can’t be… I turned around towards him, it’s just who I suspected, it was Prince Charming this whole time… I lunge after him, trying to lodge onions in his pretty boy rectum, but it was no use. As soon as I uncover his anus, Fairy Godmother emerges, and puts a layer restriction spell on me. “It’s all ogre now”, Just as when I thought my last layer was being stripped from my soul, Shrek crashes through the ceiling. Yes..! Without a moments hesitation, Shrek grabs Prince Charming by the dick, rips it off and strangles him with it. Fairy Godmother tried to fly away, but Shrek pulled out his Onion-zooka, Fairy Godmother burns to ashes. Shrek restores my layers, and gives me an onion. I go home with a sore anus from his massive ogre sized shaft.

Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life

It’s not Ogre Yet

It’s never Ogre…
by PilgrimKid September 7, 2023
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Beyond ugly; troll-like
Man, that chick wasn't just fuggly she was ogrely!
by A-Ray of Light April 28, 2019
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originated from 'title troll' to better suit for the STOP movement
like a title that hacks algorithms and grabs viewers' attention,
a title ogre does the same by making comments using elements from the title
for example:
title: 709 page book of the world largest prime number
comment: my friend is a primate, his primary choice of diversion is primal rage
sigh the comment section is bloated with impractical jokes again; better take action now and STOP those title ogres
by StarryMayhem November 2, 2018
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Dike, lesbian, girl that tries to take off girls hocky clothes
by Noonienuts July 22, 2008
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Shit residue left on a toilet seat from someone with poor personal hygiene.
I had to use the restroom really bad and unfortunately someone before me left Ogre Dust on the toilet seat.
by JHely April 22, 2022
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To be really nice to nice to your sugar daddy or boyfriend who takes care of you in order to keep him satisfied enough to do whatever you want
Hey bestie I gotta go milk the ogre so we can continue to drive his car and live in his nice condo
by Ogremilker69 December 27, 2018
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