"Too Long Don't Wanna Read" goes ahead of a long line of text. This should be used in the case you want to put the TLDR first and be grammatically correct. Used best for political discussions when you're trying to hook an audience that really doesn't care about your argument, but shouldn't be used for regular stories as there should be a mild-to-great disdain between you and the audience.
TL;DWR: No Karlson didn't cheat in the World Open, it was a really good move.

Over the weekend I saw that a lot of people were complaining about a move Magnus Karlson made.

... Lengthy Paragraph)

All in all it must be said that the Karlson is really good at chess.
by Casokat November 23, 2021
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It's a short form for 'Taklu Nibba'. 'Taklu' in Hindi means a bald guy. In India, bald guys are offended when they are addressed as Taklu. Hence, this term is used to politely draw their attention.
Wassup TL Nibba, have you combed your hair?
by dizzy_123 September 21, 2020
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Literally, "Too long; playing ingress"

Said whenever a nerd makes a post that is too long and you are currently playing ingress.
Such a lovely text you got there. tl;pi
by peanutbutterjeallycookie November 17, 2013
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Tactical Lowering of Standards
"Man I need to pull, haven't necked on with a bird in ages." "Then I think it's a TLS night"
by _Col. April 30, 2018
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TLS is an abbreviation for Tired Leg Syndrome
Sinead: “Maia I don’t think I can go any furthur, my legs are hurting!”

Maia: “Sinead, that’s TLS, Tired Leg Syndrome!”
by tlsawareness123 August 22, 2018
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Tls is a Spanish slang which means te lo sick or shut the fuck up in spanish.
by sos4778 June 13, 2022
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