A slang term for a female homosexual or ‘lesbian’.
“Wow I sure do hate them coochie cannibals!”
by Ohhhhjeez November 18, 2019
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A person who takes recently washed (or dirty but re-useable) kitchen utensils or crockery from a dish rack rather than taking new ones out of the drawer or washing their own.
Zak: There are no clean teaspoons in the cutlery drawer...
Sara: Just use a dirty one from the dishrack - it's all tea!
Zak: Eww gross! You're such a dishrack cannibal!
by peanutismint July 14, 2011
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A disorder in which the patient is jealous of his or her bestfriend's newly found love. The patient is being ignored or feels replaced/less important than the bestfriends new partner.
My bestfriend got a new boyfriend, and I feel less important, therefore I have Lettuce Cardboard Cannibal Disorder.
by AstronautPorkChop March 19, 2010
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Derogatory term to describe Christians and all followers and who believe in Jesus Christ and who hold the Bible as their holy book, which includes the following: Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, Mormons, Evangelicals, etc.
Christians are cannibals because Jesus Christ told them to eat of his flesh and drink of his blood in the Bible.
by Suspectthirteen13 April 30, 2022
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A person who is fed up with people
Cannibal: Ugh I'm so hungry
Cannibal 2: Here have the cold shoulder
by a friend for dinner October 17, 2022
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