When you use the original meme format which is usually not accepted by memers instead by teachers
Yo, that's a 2012 Meme Format!
by 2131MonstaDash November 21, 2018
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When the world will end, according to the mayan calander, which ends on this day.
Prepare yourself for December 21, 2012!
by Andrewk12 May 18, 2006
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sure he probably wont be the president, and no one will vote for him unless they live in france, but come on right?
"I love to run the track in gym screaming "Ron Paul 2012" loudly for all to hear"
by lil pga pro 1 May 29, 2009
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Just another nigger doing fucked up shit, atleast white women arent getting raped this time.
"we have to stop Kony 2012 from raping all those poor innocent niglets in Africa"
"atleast the white women isnt being harmed"
by TrollThatAlwaysWins March 8, 2012
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This is the day according to the ancient myan calendar when the world will end. Everybody should should be informed about this date.
December 21, 2012. A day of infamy.
by Snick and Fsquirrel June 7, 2006
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What is today's definition on Urban Dictionary?
Nothing! Today is June 27 2012 - they had the day off!
by Mister Reprobate June 28, 2012
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Really, is the ending of this era, described by the mayan civilization, and it has 7 pre steps in which all the humanity will experiment. In the steps are included i.e. the earth's pole shift and global warming and other interesting stuff.
12/21/2012, it's the end of our era started at 3014 b.C. spelling 21/12/2012 too.
by pxowakins February 18, 2006
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