Jaanhaothon: hey did yo usee thuavt gu cuhkc huc- chu- cuc chu cak chuck turnere
Jack: Please get help
by xX_N0_PR1S0N3RS_Xx July 25, 2020
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When you are almost certain of fantasy football victory by 99% probability then the one player your opp9nent has left beats you with a 30 or a 40 burger.
I got this shit.....About 60 football minutes later........FUUUUUUUUUCK I got Chucked
by Wordmkr2 October 3, 2022
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The act of dating a girl from chucky cheese and having sexual intercouse with her.
John: “how did things go with that girl from chucky cheese last night?”
Juan: “ dude I was cheesing her chuck, and then I chucked her cheese”
Chris: “damn I want to chuck someone’s cheese”

Jamie: “ehh ehhh ehh”
by Ehhhh ehhhh ehhhh October 15, 2017
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Dude, let's play chuck fuck marry.

So who would you out of Fatty Goggles, Esther and That Clown footed girl?

Oh dude, that's just wrong!
by thatguy248 June 12, 2011
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Term used by Aboriginal people asking for sex
You're a lubly lil damper, Chuck it up or what
by I'm anybody's man August 22, 2022
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