An mmorpg term for penis.
Super Hot Model Chick: Kenny how big is your master wand? Kenny: 3 inches
by MiggasOnMyJcoklolol December 26, 2009
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When you, as part of answering a question or having a discussion, describe the most optimal but sometimes unlikely scenario. Typically an answer to the question “if you had a magic wand, how would you make this better”
I see tha situation you present is a challenge and it’s hard to figure out how to solve it. How about you start by magic wanding it so we know what to strive for and we’ll take it from there?
by jinthearena June 17, 2021
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Erin, did you leave a moon wand in my car?
by LoughHicks. December 2, 2010
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typically a guy who is handsome but dumb, some may say a himbo, who beefs with 15-year-olds online.
oh looks that's a dumb guy who is beefing with a 15-year-old, must be wander wand
by bhahahahahanolmao July 20, 2023
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Guy1: aye that nigga talking shit again
Guy2: well pass me the murder wand so we can handle the business
by murder wand April 1, 2018
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When you stick your finger in your butthole and fish hook someone.
There are two types of people in this world: Those who give wet willies , and those who give ghouly wands.
by captmurk March 16, 2018
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