1.) Synomnious with Secure the Bag and Get the Bread

2.) When you rise and grind, effectively collecting the yeast before it rises to bread.

3.) Taking credit for the bread (success) by collecting all the yeast before others can take it.
4.) Having the begining means to obtain success before it exists. (Having ways to make bread)
Guy 1:- I have an algebra exam tomorrow.
Guy 2:- Bro, study and collect the yeast.

Guy 1:- Hell yeah, COLLECT THE YEAST!

Guy 1:- Now I can make some fucking bread. 😫🙌🍞
by COLLECTtheYEAST March 25, 2019
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When she had a yeast infection in her vagina and you proceed to have sex with said vagina
My girl just got a yeast cookie
by Pushy destroyer November 25, 2017
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When your crotch hurty
Debrah says “I have a terrible yeast infection” Tookie says “doesn’t that mean your crotch hurty I got it from urban dictionary”
by Toribeoudi June 10, 2018
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What happens when you don't brush your teeth before doing oral.
Sarah got a yeast infection because of her boyfriend's poor hygiene.
by fagatron92 February 16, 2018
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Wipe front to back or else you get the yeast infection and no one wants that
Do it the right way or else you get a yeast infection
by Emojiguy May 29, 2019
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What are yeast children you may ask

Well they are young developing yeast packets making the greatest bread
Maddie: How did you make this bread Ella

Ella: I used my yeast children
by Queenofspuds July 3, 2021
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An infection an apple gets after having intercourse.

An infection an apple gets after a human has intercourse with it.
O YES, O YES PUT IT IN JONNY! MAKE ME DRIBBLE! Later after intercourse, Jonny

I think you gave me an apple yeast infection.
by Juila13sad June 8, 2018
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