When you get a knife wound in the rectum
Fuck bro, you got borged out that's shit as.
by LanceUppercut1 October 8, 2021
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When you are seeing someone casually and they think it's going somewhere, then you break it off after you smash
Francois: dude you know that crazy girl I've been seeing I borged her
Desmond: You borged her?! We banging!
by Cary322 May 2, 2018
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When you've been casually seeing someone who thinks the relationship is going somewhere, then after you have smash a few times you break it off
Francois: dude you know that crazy girl I was seeing, I borged her bro.
Desmond: You borged her?! We banging!
by Cary322 May 2, 2018
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1. Beautiful
2. Different (in a good way)
3. Very rich
4. Sexiest thai there is <3
5. Good taste in fashion
6. Knows the trends
7. Alot of friends

Tamarine is very pretty and has a good sence of humour! She loves attention but doesnt greed for it.
- Omg Tamarine Borg just snapped (snapchatted) , i feel sooooooo happy now <33333
*snap picture says* : Daily
- Oh.. its just a daily snap :(
by Bråkstaken March 12, 2017
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AARON BORG contains the following ingredients: water, Ayahuasca, herbal Viagra, Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill, Blue Raspberry Cisco, and Berry Blast MiO Sport drops.
AARON BORG is fake fruity tooty psychedelic horny hot mess. Mmmmm.
by Purplenado March 10, 2023
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