When you learn or think of something that factual, true, real, or something else; However, when you rethink about this topic it seems really Obvious and you're not sure why you didn't think of it before or in that way. This is exactly like Gravity, where once you Know what it is, Then it is obvious. If you Don't know what gravity is, or Nobody knows what gravity is, then you wouldn't think of it until it is mentioned and Then you question why you didn't consider it before.

This is also why it took people so long to Learn what gravity is because nobody thought about it and it "just was" Before they Knew what it was. Now Gravity seems as obvious as breathing air and that air is oxygen, but before science nobody knew what air nor oxygen was, thus being another example of Gravity Philosophy.
Guy: "I feel tired and depressed, and I don't know why."

Girl: "That's because you haven't eaten anything with vitamins and nutrients in days; you need to eat more nutritious foods."
Guy: "You're right, all I've eaten is cheese pizza and soda, so that's some Gravity Philosophy."

Clothing Company: *Sprays millions of clothes with Unknown and Untested Chemicals to make them more flat.*
Scientist: "We have found that that chemical can seep into people's blood and skin, and cause serious problems with peoples health 20 years down the road.
20 Years Later: *millions of people get cancer*
Legal Legislation: "This chemical is now Banned due to consumer health problems."
Everybody: "I wish somebody with a sense of Gravity Philosophy did some testing before we all got sick."

All Prior Human "Scientists": "The Earth is Not round Nor a planet And is the center of the universe."
1600ish Galileo Galilei: "You're wrong, it is elementary science that is obvious Now."
2019 Trolls: "The Earth is Flat."
All People Everywhere: "I guess these guys never learned Gravity Philosophy in school. They Must be making millions selling silly T-shirts and merchandise on some ridiculous website."
Area 51 Raid Starters: "That's some Gravity Philosophy if I've ever heard any before. not a bad idea..."
by MCPKG October 12, 2019
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1. The idea that high school relationships are quixotic due to the fact that having a boyfriend/girlfriend in 9-12 grade rarely ever ends in lasting commitment and often results in the end of a good friendship.
2. The belief that there is really “no point” to making a close friend of the opposite sex any more than a friend and that the only “benefits” you should get from a friend are encouragement and someone to talk to.
1. She stubbornly asserted that having no social life was not the only reason she adhered to the Troja Philosophy.
2. The two became great friends, knowing that their belief in the Troja Philosophy would keep their friendship from getting complicated or stressful.
by Harry Derman May 26, 2012
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Was a great video until he got to the part were he decides that because Sam's "greater good/manufactured God of curating the reality of stupid people" is a warped and narcissistic enterprise that is entirely dependent on subordinating the will of the masses to his dogmatic liberalism; it means that we NEED God instead. Which is literally that SAME THING as religion.
Hym "Sam Harris' Terrifying Philosophy is literally just a 'God that Sam Harris controls.' That's literally all it is!"

Mas Rharis "We don't need God! We need Jeff Goldblum from Jurassic Park to manufacture a God out of a "greatter good abstraction" and the use the state to enforce the will of this greater good abstraction! They don't have free will anyway! So it doesn't matter what I have to do to get the societal outcomes I desire!"
by Hym Iam August 12, 2023
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Directional Philosophy: A doctrine in philosophy; methods that are produced to further knowledge in the fields of philosophy by using a technique that has been crafted by a philosopher to obtain a specific direction being undergone, directions are describing specific actions, i.e. group actions, formulas, formats, techniques, or methods being subscribed too that describe ways for philosophers to achieve becoming philosophers.
By using directional philosophy I found a modern method to use for philosophers to share with the entire city a protest I made about civil rights.
by Kevin P. Olson July 30, 2022
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Those urban/college dudes who read Aristotle and Socrates once and now think they are philosophical geniuses and they probably listen to the Beatles and other artists only on vinyl
You know the ones
Yeah, he’s cool, but he’s definitely the vinyl philosophy type
by rajyaboy May 22, 2021
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Unusual ideas and take-away themes from adult films or publications. The ideas/themes can be anything from amusing to disgusting to enlightening.
You can find weird porno philosophy from some of the following titles:

Missionary Impossible
“Romeo in Juliet
The Bone Ranger “
“Sorest Rump”

...and more...
by yes juanito yes September 1, 2022
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"The Sy Philosophy" refers to the idea that blowjobs are the greatest way of sexual pleasure. The philosophy states that blowjobs create a more "personalised" experience on both the receiving and giving ends. This makes the blowjob a more sentimental way of pleasuring your partner. As opposed to the idea that pussy is the best way of sex, the philosophy argues that pussy cannot be changed, therefore, making it boring.
Dude, did you fuck that chick last night?

Nah, I just wanted a blowjob

Thats dumb

Peep The Sy Philosophy
by Prof. LeMeow November 4, 2020
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