The act of a Mexican woman taking a bowl and shitting green diarrhea and taking tortilla chips and serving it to the family
Child: mom when it dinner I’m hungry
Mom: just a sec, I’m making Spanish Guacamole
Child: that’s my favorite mom
by That glitzy gobbler September 3, 2022
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A three-way guacamoleis the fetishistic act during a three way where one participant releases their bowels onto the other participants. Becomes three-way guacamole when the participant has diarrhea and all three participants roll around on top of each other to spread the feces.
"Yo dude, did you hear about Robert last night? He had a three-way guacamole!"
"What?! That shit's nasty!"
by Avocados Boi April 3, 2018
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fuck off and get down, swallow my dick and let it impale your stomach lining
fuck and put ass in my guacamole you titty fucker
by Dan Bain March 26, 2018
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A rich child specifically in their teens through which they acquired their money through their parents, such as a trust fund, ect.
Rich Guacamole Nigga: Ryan Coursen
by Doing your Mom March 16, 2020
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Something that is defined as someone who is a silly goose
"Hey! your'e such a Guacamole Stick!"

"Bro he is so Guacamole Stick"
by Silly Super Soup January 27, 2023
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