Grief Casserole (n) the aftermath of suicide felt by those left behind. can come thick on thin and one never knows whats in it..
The grief casserole was heavy today as i wailed to the universe for understanding..
by k0001 April 14, 2021
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A mother who lacks all creativity and throws random food in a pan and slaps it in the oven
"My casserole mom made tater tot casserole tonight, that's three nights in a row."
by Cneedy218 November 28, 2015
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The type of mom who is preferably single, and loves to proclaim that she makes a mean casserole
Have you seen her mom? She's such a casserole mom.
by ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ November 28, 2015
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When you take the combination of chip crumbs and remainder of whatever dip and stir. Depending on the nature of the dip it can also be microwaved. Important to be combined and eaten with a spoon.
Those chips need to be made into a crumb casserole.
by Saltinajo September 9, 2023
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When you drive well, or carefully, like you are protecting the casserole you have in your car. Also applicable for bad drivers, when they are not driving well (I.e. they do not have a casserole in their car)
They are such a bad driver! Not casseroling at all.
by Quinn222 January 1, 2019
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eggplant casserole is very cool
hey do you see eggplant casserole

yeah it's cool
by mynameisted November 24, 2021
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