It's a memorable quote in the bible found in Genesis 4:9, meaning:

1. Are you responsible for how you respond to your brother?

2. Are you held accountable for how you treat your fellow man?

It's really a sarcastic question/remark from Cain to God after Cain killed his brother, Abel, to keep from admitting to the fact that he did kill Abel.
Nino Brown: To CMB. On and on. Am I my brother's keeper?

CMB: Yes I am.

Nino Brown (louder): Am I my brother's keeper?!

CMB (louder): Yes I am.!

Nino Brown (louder): Am brother's keeper?!!!

CMB (louder):!!!

The Duh Duh Man (studdering): Yes.......I am.!!!

-from NEW JACK CITY (1991)
by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant March 24, 2006
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a person who once was at the bottom of the ladder and schemed they're way to the top.
look at you poacher turned game keeper you got there by scheming.
by uboat January 18, 2010
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Slang for a prostitute, escort or woman of the night
That girl is a time keeper

Dave was out with a time keeper last night not his girlfriend
by Theproblem November 18, 2022
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Nickname for a biological mother who has done nothing but traumatize her children, then lose custody of said children, and choose drugs over everything and anything. Her idea of bonding is offering you to tag-along for a night of blowing bums and contracting STDs. She refuses to take accountability or apologize for selling her children for drugs, abandon them in strangers apartments, and every other fucked up thing she’s done.
Hey, who’s that?
That’s my biological mother, we call her the Crypt Keeper.
Like from Tales Of The Crypt?
Exactly, but crackhead version.
by poisoned poet April 4, 2022
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One who puts extreme effort to maintain or improve something that should by natural process die out.

Taken from the ridiculous effort needed to keep Giant Pandas alive in captivity despite clear evidence that the creatures are Evolutionarily Unfit For Survival.
Dwight: Did you hear about Jim and Pam, they're trying to work it out despite what she did in New York.

Oscar: Yeah, Jim is such a Panda Keeper, he should have let that relationship die a long time ago.
by PolleN112 June 2, 2022
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Will fuck your shit up if you come in a perimeter of 10 meters
I got tackeld by the keeper
by Rapy_Racoon September 21, 2017
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