Tae: Something that's over 600+ pounds.
You're Tae!
by February 6, 2022
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A very sexy man with buetiful eyes that are green u can pull a lot of girls but is loyal to his first. He usually stays with his first because he knows when she's the one
Girl: I've been with TAE for my whole life he's so loyal
by TheBigBabyDaddy May 27, 2018
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Person with anger issues who likes to block people aka me his bsf an who doesn’t realize others around him care about him an doesn’t realize how important his bsf is an how he needs her the most
Tae winters is mf annoying an gomn but I love em .
by Londonbaybee July 7, 2019
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West coast Scots vernacular to describe being drunk to the point of not being able to drink anymore.

Extremely inebriated.
"Aye man you shoulda seen the nick 'a that cunt Davey the other night"


"Aye, cunt was tae the bugle"
by lesbaaaaaa August 5, 2021
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A yellow-dyed belt for 40 fucking dollars
Hey John, are you taking Tae Kwon Do lessons this summer?
Nah, it's pretty much a ripoff. The senseis are only in it for the money, and the belts are too pricey.
by UrbanCommision May 6, 2018
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All inclusive phrase used to respond to a boring conversation just to say something back.
Question - ‘ i’m bored, what are you up to?’

Response - same mate, like yon tae.
by Big aldo July 13, 2019
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A North-Korean rapper that was featured in Cypher Pt. 5 along with famous singer

J-Pope, Salty, and Namjesus.
"OMG!!! Hyung-Tae is having a comeback!!"
by lynnnnnnnbtsarmy October 12, 2020
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