Meaning someone is extremely gay (Not really it's an insult.) But they are so much more gay then normal (only use if the person is toxic) You wouldn't want to upset someone by saying they were a Bigger' FGay

F standing for fucking. BiggerFuckingGay use Bigger with an (') if you're going to say FGay.

can also be said like "FGay" "primarily used in Fortnite, Roblox and Minecraft. You might want to leave or expose them or something after saying this if they are better then you because they will destroy your life."
Kid:Hey dude I bet u have no aim cause u get no girls

Memer:stfu FGay

Kid:What did you just call me skrub? (proceeds to rekt him for 2 hours)

New kid:You're both Bigger' FGay's

memer:YE stfu before we hack ur minecraft account.
by Roboblox November 8, 2019
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the slang word for some one that is tall made and used by midgets
by sean reid January 9, 2022
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A slang term used to describe a tall person
“The only thing that’s more intense than my midget pride is my hatred for tall people, or as we like to call them, Biggers.”
by Midget supremacist November 7, 2022
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"Bigger" or "Biggers" is a racial slur used by the midget community against the normal, fully grown size humans.

The Normal sized community seems like the minority and is highly abused and hated by the midgets.
Normal sized human: *Is walking his dog*
Midget:"Get your Bigger ass out of this neighboorhood."

Normal sized human: "But I live here."

Midget: "Who the hell cares, pack your things and buy a ticket to Bigeria you filthy Bigger."
by Mr.Unlucky February 7, 2022
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A slur for tall people. Can only be said if 6'5"+. Can be shortened to "Bigga" among tall friends.
"What's up my Bigga?" "Look at that stupid Bigger over there. Tall bastard"
by AnotherGuyOnUrban July 18, 2023
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Mainly referred to those inferior tall beings (racist word use wisely).
by Asian Hitler057 August 10, 2022
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