a word used to describe the gay people who just discovered their new profound sexuality, now using the word *yassss* unironically.
guy 1: YASSS QUEEEENNN, I just got an email from this guy from high school that he likes me back, SLAYYYYY.
guy 2 (completely unrelated): Oh no, this guy went through the yassification phase.
by edgymofo November 24, 2021
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I'm sorry for making that definition in march I have influenced people on the internet
-have you heard about yassification?
-straight people ruined the yass
by peeeeeeeeee December 30, 2022
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The process of going from average/ugly to drop dead gorgeous or just much better looking than before. Yassification can be done through intense editing or makeup. Fictional characters having a drastic physical changes and becoming more conventionally attractive because of the ploy is also another form of yassification.
An example that best describes a yassification is the Nanny Mcphee movies. In the beginning of the film, Nanny Mcphee is seen as mean and rude and the children she looks over despise her. She has a huge ugly nose, a big wart on the corner of her chin and a huge front tooth in her mouth. As she helps the children become better people, her ugly traits begin to disappear one by one. That’s the yassification process. By the end of the movie, Nanny Mcphee’s ugly traits all disappear and she becomes a beautiful slender woman with no ugly features. The yassification process has then been completed and she is now yassified.
by loonatheworld November 23, 2021
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the process of yassifying something
"omg sarah is wearing the cutest top ever!! yassifcation who??!" in this sentence the person explained how sarah wore a cute top, therefore meaning she completed the yassification process
by shatha💪🏼💪🏼 January 27, 2022
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When you become so much more yass and slaypilled.
Did you see Pranit? He underwent yassification and loves Azealia Banks now.
by Pranit69 December 2, 2021
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the act of taking something and making it exponentially greater, more fabulous and more flamboyant and ultimately gay.
"Hanoi Rocks is so the yassification of sad bands like the red hot chili peppers, but Hanoi Rocks came first so I guess that means the red hot chili peppers are the de-yassification of Hanoi Rocks."
"True yes my god I'm in love with Michael Monroe,"
by IjustgotrailedbyMickKarn April 18, 2022
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Making something so good that is is yass.
by S E N I P* April 13, 2022
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