Onomatopoeia describing the sound of a slow explosion cause by the ignition of a large amount of inflammable substance such as petrol.
A driver, foolishly smoking while filling his car, dropped his fag end into a pool of spilled petrol. 'Worf', the entire filling station went sky-high.
by kilkrazy January 5, 2005
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Something offof star trek...but theres also one living on earth...:(
dumm deee dumm deee deee *turns around* AH GOD GET YOUR WORF ASS FOREHEAD OUT MY FACE
by Bommerous Qouous January 7, 2004
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Honestly, there is no exact translation for this word, It's Ancient Mountainian.
by MT. worf September 1, 2003
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its means a derilect version of the word "word" comes from the latin word worfus
by james December 10, 2003
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Evolved from the word "word" which is said in agreement, or to mean yes to a question.
1) yo, you goin to that concert?
2) yo, tha shit was hot!
by Jamal Jacobs July 8, 2004
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Spreading your nutsack across a girl's forehead, preferrably while she is tossing your salad.

Alternatively a Dirty Klingon
I gave this girl a dirty Worf last night.
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The principle that, in fiction, the strongest member of the cast gets utterly wailed on in order to establish just how powerful the villain of the week is. Differs from the Red Shirt in that the Red Shirt isn't given any characterization beyond his/her name, while the Worf is a properly developed character. Named after Worf in Star Trek, wherein he kept getting trashed by the bad guys.
Yo, did you see that new show?

Yeah! That tough guy wound up getting curb stomped.

Worf effect, no doubt.
by Intelligence001 August 22, 2019
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