An annoying person who always talks shit and wont shut up and making rude remarks when you are irrelevant to the situation. Calling someone a hound can tell them that its time to shut up or that they are getting themselves involved in something that they arent a part of. A hound is a dog when it wont shut up.
*comments on something that doesnt involve the person*

Other commenter: man shut up your such a hound
by Johnpown2214 January 27, 2014
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The Greyhound bus line, especially when used for long distances.
I was too broke for the plane anyway, and didn't want to have to mail all my gear to myself, so I took the Hound.
by old lang guy March 10, 2012
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1. to persistantly follow

2. a person into what the added suffix idnicates

3. a lecherous and disgusting man
Don't hound me! I can only work so fast.
by The Return of Light Joker October 31, 2007
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To be amazing at something. Slang for phenom.
"Have you seen that guy play?"
"Yeah ! That dude is a hound"
by The Real Urban Professor February 23, 2012
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A sophomore advisor on the Texas A&M Fish Drill Team; The scariest, most intense, and most elite members of the sophomore class at the Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets.
We had a shitty performance yesterday, I kind of want to just hide away in a corner and hope the hounds don't find me.
by sawemoff13 July 15, 2010
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Verb: Consuming an alcoholic beverage at an extremely rapid rate. The rate of hounding something down, is roughly 1.5 times faster than a typical chug.

1. Dallas: Yo dawg, I just hounded back a 40 of OE.
Solomon: Shit son. (in deep voice)

2. Everyone else: Chug! chug! chug!
You: Hound that shit down son! Bow wow.
by beesnuzin' July 20, 2006
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