To perform oral sex. When going down on a guy or a girl it's additionally customary to make the Pac-Man (Or Mrs. Pac-Man) sound of Wakka Wakka Wakka.
"Yo man, Jessica totally went Wakka Wakka Wakka on me last night. I made her wear the bow and everything."

"Last night when I went Wakka Wakka Wakka on Jim he made me actually make the noises and everything."
by El Zacko May 5, 2007
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1. peace to you, war to you
2. good to you, bad to you

This phrase is most ordinarily used in times of complete confusion, when there is nothing else one could say, especially for those who regularly have panic attacks. Thus, it is really a nonsensical phrase that actually has a meaning and its meaning does not have to actually be the above, but a similar arrangement of positive wishes to others, followed by its antonymical negative wish. e.g. gumbo to you, nutra rat stew to you. You get the drift.
An example conversation with "wakka-wakka" used:

Tyson: I have to go to the store today and . . . there is a girl i like who . . . my mom called earlier and . . .the momement that bastard comes around here i'm gonna . . . what a jagoff, i swear . . .
Felix: Wakka-wakka
by cgStarling February 20, 2007
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a pac-language term that means "shit, these ghosts are pissin' me off"
by Penislandian March 10, 2008
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Do not worry, no worries (australian version of no wokkas)
Chris the aussie was drinking a beer when suddenly a koala fell from a tree. The koala said thanks and Chris said "no wakkas".
by @grammaSlamma July 27, 2017
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A good word for any occasion. Can be used in any form or any context. Has a flexible meaning that is determined by the user of the word at the time the word is being used.
ex. BILL:"hey John what's up?"
by Mr. Dudeman G. September 5, 2008
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One of the Characters in Final Fantasy X who is somewhat...idiotic and level headed. he is usally the concious of the group and does hae a accent and a annoying tendency to say " bruddah" a lot. At one point was a big huge part of the story line but after you win or lose the blitzball cup...well..he just is another useless fighter who needs training
Tidus: Let's go attack Seymore
Wakka: But he's a maestor Bruddah
by Albert Bigginz May 20, 2005
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An Australian slang term derived from the phrase "No worries".

First known use is "No Wakkas Knackers" as an alternative for "No worries mate"

The cousin of "No Wucken Furries"
BillyBoy - "hey John, could you toss over that nailgun over there?"

Johnno - "No wakkas knackers"
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