1. A woman's flavored dildo
2. Fleshy posicle sold at K-mart for $ .69
Richard- what a nice dick you have!
Blo-Jo- Its not a dick, its a cocksicle.
by Magicfan December 3, 2003
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A Greek moron's mispelling for "cocksickle."
If you can't spell "cocksickle," go back to Greece, you towelhead.
by :Source June 17, 2003
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What happens to your penis and scrotum if you jump into a cold pool, bathtub or ice bucket.
Tim: Gary, what's in your cold pool tent?

Gary: Tim some people call it an insurrection but I call it a cocksicle.
by Gafa Gafa June 19, 2011
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a cock which has just came out of a girls vagina
guy"dudette my cock smells like a fish"
gal"well think ur self lucky, it looks more like a tad-pole!" cof cof michael R. cof cof
by cockyballstrap February 5, 2005
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The sexual term for when a female performs fellatio on a male immediately after anal-sex.
Janice's brown stains on her teeth are testament to her unprecedented Butt-Fudge Cocksicle giving skills!
by G.P.R. September 17, 2009
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