Brass, cheaper than gold but alot more solid, worth every penny.
Brass, cheaper than gold but alot more solid, worth every penny.
by Baroness Brass November 20, 2022
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*Ammunition casing.

*British terminology referring to negative quality.

*Another term for "money".

*Synonym for "shoot", used often by Australian military terminology.

*Powerful military commanders who, for example, call certain shots.
MOM : "Don't forget to pick up the brass when you're done shooting your Garand, OK?"
ME : "Whatever. Not like we have a reloading kit or something..."

LIMEY : "That bitch was brass mate!"

DRUG-DEALER : "No brass, no deal. Now get outta here."

AUSSIE : "Ah'll brass that bitch up mate!"

LIEUTENANT : "The operation was a success!"
COLONEL : "I noticed. I'm gonna bring it up with the Brass later on. Hope they accept the results know how nervous and picky the Brass can be."
by Dave June 7, 2004
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The boss.


A military commander who has a lot of medals. Or just medals and awards.
The brass is in town, shape up.

That boy got some brass balls.

Look at the brass on him.
by MK January 28, 2004
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1)A word meaning bad/crap/shite

2)A word used to chow displeasure
1) You're brass at that game you bitch

2) "It costs £100000" "BRASS!"
by JDogg March 22, 2004
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Att genomlida ett förödmjukande nederlag på hemmaplan. Mot Tyskland.
"Såg du matchen igår?"
"Ah mannen, sjukt att Brasilien fick så mycket stryk."
"7-1 mot Tyskland på hemmaplan, kan inte vara lätt."
"Där gjorde dom en riktig brasse."
by July 9, 2014
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Having little or no money.

(pronounced with a short vowel sound as in "hat" not as in "father".)

Note: Other UK-based definitions entered on this site probably stem from this definition, which itself is likely to be derived from the cockney rhyming slang "brassic lint" for "skint".
by wajimacallit January 23, 2007
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