drou-zee shap-uh-rohn


The act of falling asleep during, or immediately following, masturbation, leaving one's genitalia fully exposed.
1. I must have been more drunk than I thought last night, because I totally pulled a drowsy chaperone.

2. I walked in on my roommate's drowsy chaperone this morning. It was disgusting.
by fancygriddles June 18, 2011
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intentionally or unintentionally sitting between a couple or people who are looking to make a play for each other.
I got to the restaurant and just down at the first seat, i didn't realise that Geoff was going to sit there and I ended up sitting chaperone all night with Geoff giving me the evil eye all night.
by jaffaw January 10, 2010
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This is identified as an adult who essentially baby sits another adult to keep them from embarassing themself, their family, and their friends, in public settings. This person might be in charge of limiting drinks, drugs, and flirtatious activity. This person should not be confused with a HATER as they are doing it for the benefit of said person!
Person 1: Man, Tishsa got straight WASTED for her party and doesn't remember a THING about what happened. Person 2: Well, clearly she needed a Social Chaperone but since the rest of her friends were wasted, too, she was on her own!!!
by Ms_Luckey May 17, 2011
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A deadly protector of the realms
Be careful Anna’s mum is a chaperone
by Edp13 May 2, 2021
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When you masturbate into a puppet while it watches you.
I was feeling particularly lonely the other day and so I gave myself the chaperone.
by Single Cell Organism December 1, 2017
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