TFL my picture.
(Thanks for liking my picture.)
by ivynerak September 25, 2011
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True Forced Loneliness.

Made up by losers with entitlement issues, who can't get a date because they're dicks and blame women for it.
I think I should get a million dates with hot women because I am so awesome, but no woman will talk to me. This is TFL!
by Ehlyah August 20, 2009
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An acronym for the phrase "Totally Fucking Lost", which is used to describe a person who is very out of place in a certain situation and, as a result, is behaving in a manner that is awkward and/or annoying (typically without realizing)

Origin: Washington, DC; Philadelphia, PA
"That old alumnus guy who was at the college bar by himself and never stopped shouting things at the screen during the game seemed like he was trying to impress all the students there with his fanhood and football acumen. It was really obnoxious. He was so TFL."
by NickeNitro November 23, 2009
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Pete: Hey Rob, wanna go rock climbing?
Robert: Nah man, TFL today. Just gonna watch anime or something.
by UDUser4820 June 18, 2019
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yo we gotta turn on that tfl shit im pretty sure that vicki girls gonna be on it
by jim October 22, 2003
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