An amazing, beautiful, sexy girl that is so fucking hilarious, and is always swearing.
"Damn, that girl's a total Terra."
by Damnfuckitshit October 10, 2011
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Terra is the scientific name of earth just like Jupiter, Merkur or Saturn.
by Anonymous July 10, 2003
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A character from Teen Titans who can't control her powers, and eventually betrayed the Titans, but kicked Slade's butt and made the right choice in the end. She is very brave, and a good perosn. She loves Beast Boy. She is very confused and complex, and misunderstood.
Fan #1: Terra is the most misunderstood character ever.
by Azelma September 10, 2010
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That fucker from Kingdom Hearts that got norted and was never seen again
by I made this acc as a joke April 21, 2019
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terra super awsome bad ass who is realy nice if u get 2 no her she swears alot she is realy kind and very sweet when she needs or wants something she defintly let u no what she wants dosent get a lot of boyfriends/girlfriend case u no shes bi so ya she is kinda sorta shy

she is kinda popular but not on that side u no shes kinda dorky realy funny she has a boy friend who realy realy sweet but um different definetion but she is the kinda girl who if u have in ur life u could never ever let her go and u can easly fall in love with her with out even meaning 2.
terra look so great
by ))))))) September 19, 2019
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A noun that can also be used as an adjective, to pull a terra, means to play hooky to complete an assignment that you procrastinated about and couldn't finish. It also has an alternate meaning that means to take on so much work and assignments that the human brain explodes, splattering the cranial cavity with third degree burns.
A terra is a being which is known to take on as many difficult objectives as possible, therefore providing an unequalled paradox, as that amount of work is physically impossible to complete by any human being.
Not only that but this workload will not be beneficial in any way, but will succeed in parasitically killing the terra in the process.
Terras are also known to uncommonly obsess about random things such as cocaine, Smallville, Michael Peca's glasses and Johnny Depp.
The terra also loves eagles.
"Hey dude! Pull a terra!"
"Dude Wicked!"
"Holy Crap! His brain just exploded form the unhuman amount of work he attemped!"
"That girl in my class is such a terra.. I mean, total type A!"
by Fuzzyalumniac September 13, 2006
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Earth for all the fucking smart people in the world
Scientist: Terra means earth
normal person: Who cares
by screwu October 5, 2007
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