Someone who attends or graduates from Texas Tech University. Usually people who graduate or attend this school are called 'Techtards' since they probably werent smart enough to get into Texas' two most reputable schools Texas A&M, and The University of Texas.
His SAT scores were very low so Texas A&M and UT would not accept him, so he's a Techtard now since he has to settle for Texas Tech University.
by Ricardo Moltabon August 30, 2006
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One who is technologically ignorant or lacking sufficient computer skills to function like a modern human.
Grandma: I tried adding your Facebook wall to mine but I couldn't find you.
Me: What?

Grandma: How do I send a comment?

Grandma: And what is "the twitter?" Do I need to be on that?
Me: Stop being such a techtard.
by chickenb1tch December 17, 2013
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Someone who is computer illiterate.
The act of being bad with technology.
One who doesn't care to learn about technological things.
AKA my friend Kevin
When it comes to computers I'm a techtard.

As far as society's concerned, he is techtarded.
by MachineShop January 10, 2008
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someon who is retarded at anything technological, or someone who brakes everything technological they touch.
Omg, blake is a complete techtard, not knowing how to use the DMZ to put a device outside a router firewall.
by lios15leet February 16, 2009
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To be technologically challenged. Someone who is unskilled in the use of technology.
My fiancee doesn't know how to use her phone. She is a techtard.

My mother thinks that having lots of emails stored in hotmail will slow down her computer. She is a techtard.
by Mazkal January 14, 2012
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when one who is a retard when it comes to technology. aka. techtard
Susie couldn't figure out how to get on the internet so she asked Mike. Mike showed her and quickly said she was techtarded.
by moneybabymoney March 28, 2011
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