Someone who is well known for not being able to hold their liquor. Typically pukes at random times. Very successful at doing the puking walk. (Cont. to walk while you puke)
"Did you just see that guy puke while he was walking?" He must be a Teage!
by becuz i know February 5, 2010
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a person who has to go into a firepit
may you put cole teage in the fire
by solo yolo December 2, 2016
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The definition of a best friend is a person who you value above other friends in your life, someone you have fun with, someone you trust and someone in whom you confide. The first person you call when you get good news or want to go out for a bite to eat is an example of teags.
“Who is your bestfriend?”

Teags of course!”
by i love you<333 June 25, 2021
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Teags is a name given to girls who are "friends with the boys because its easier like that....." and often goes out giving blowies behind bins so she has enough money to go out to 42s
Hey did you hear what teags did on the weekend"
What the usual everyone knows her
by December 15, 2020
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