when a group of associates are chatting about a fellow worker thats not hip to whats going on.
bill is so out of it, he's really not in the system
by freddytoledo July 11, 2010
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High powered, premium stereo system in a car, truck or van, capable of large amounts of bass and treble.
by jt November 22, 2002
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what needs to be brought down. down with the system, down with society. the fall of the human race is inevitable... let's do it in the most fun way possible. no laws except your own. someone wrongs you, you punish them, in whatever means you feel are right. no age limits on all the shit everyone wnats to do. all of modern technology, without the order, dullness and inequality in society. did you dream of growing up to be a 9-5 worker, living a mediocre life? fuck the system; everyone should get what they deserve, be it good or bad.
what to we need?


who against?

the world.
by crap December 10, 2004
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Can mean a lot of things. Notably:

Computer system: A somewhat more technical term for describing a rig, usually including a processor, hard disk, monitor, RAM, cards, etc.

A weather system: An area that has an airmass of notably high or low air pressure; can be affected by thermodynamic interactions with the atmosphere, bodies of water, etc.

System: In general, anything that unifies more than one thing or organizes them. Eg: healthcare system, etc.

System (of a Down): System is often used as an abbreviation for the name of this kick-ass band because you want to save time for discussing how awesome they are.
Some guy:
Hey Jim, I just made a new system for getting my homework done so I can check all the high-pressure systems on my expensive new system, while listening to System!
by Stephen P October 31, 2007
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you are system if you are raw at basketball. and a replacement for swag.
by rivasquad June 6, 2013
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The System refers to the high school and college work sharing system, where students help each other, do work for another student, or give them answers at no cost.

You put into the system by helping someone out, they put in by helping someone else out, and you take out in a different place.

This cycle allows students to do work in their strong suits and get answers to the work that they are not as comfortable with. In the end everyone is able to get their shit done successfully. ♻️

People try to screw the system by charging others for work or answers, but this only negatively affects the system. Screwing the system makes it so that there is not a steady flow of information and not as many people will benefit. If someone charges for their work, then everyone will want to charge and no one will benefit.
I put into the system by giving out math answers, I took out by getting history homework.
by Americairo May 2, 2021
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A system may refer to multiple states of consciousness in a single body.
Jane from Doom Patrol is part of a system.
by Noctara System January 26, 2021
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