An inhabitant of the Isle of Sheppey (see who has been both born and raised there. Distinctive accent is cross between estuary English and yokel, although all sentences contain f word.
by Sean November 18, 2003
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A noun, verb, or adjective, that is Sanache.
"Dude, your being really Swampy right now."
"What does that even mean?"
"It means Sanache."
by Tyler Ramone July 13, 2008
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a person who lives underground inside a earth hole, which is covered by a mossy stone, these people tend to live of earth worms and other assorted grubs, and tend to come from the kings lynn area.
stig of the dump might have been a "swampy", others have pretended to be protesting over new runways but really just love living with the worms.
by Richard Rogers March 19, 2008
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A term used to describe a friend when he's acting weird or paranoid all of a sudden.
What do you mean you don't want to go anymore, Dude, why are you being so swampy right now?
by Kevin Buan March 16, 2010
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Nasty mushy diarrhea that mostly flots, and stinks to high hell
My ass still hurts from the brutal swampy I left 5 minutes ago!

Dude, who forgot to flush their swampy down?
by Butt Plugs March 7, 2005
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When your nuts stick to the inner theigh and start to sweat alot
Yo my balls be gettin swampy from workin out in this mad heat all day
by blakey November 25, 2004
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Slang term for people from Minnesota, especially northern Minnesota.
Watch out for those swampies!
by lindsay March 20, 2004
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