When he is wearing a glow in the dark condom and swings it around like a lightsaber then slaps her in face.
Last night while she was on her knees I stormtroopered her.
by drewskiwooski November 23, 2014
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someone with really, really shitty aim.
Jeff: Holy shit! I think a stormtrooper's trying to kill me
John: what makes you say that?
Jeff: Someone shot a sniper at me, and missed by a fucking mile!
by gamerscore 1337 February 2, 2016
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When you go to give your girl a money shot, you pull-out of her mouth. Then you step back and you hit your neighbor cat .
I went to give your mom a money shot and ended up pulling the Stormtrooper and hit Mr Wilson cat.
by dbotdeadpool September 1, 2017
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v. Dressing up as a Stormtrooper or otherwise following or participating in Stormtrooper or imperial type activities.

v. Acting in such an over the top, uber geeky way, that other geeks are embarrased to be seen with you.
The members of the club will be Stormtrooping this afternoon. Are you going to watch?

Hey, tell that jackass in the Gimli costume and fake beard to stop stormtrooping and get a life.
by RT Smith May 19, 2005
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(n.) Someone that wears black shoes with white socks or vice versa. Commonly used slang in sports (i.e. lacrosse or football).
Player 1: "Those new all black unis are tough!"

Player 2: "Yeah but look at the stormtrooper in the white socks..."
by namyrrepa August 10, 2018
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When ones aim sucks so bad that they're classified as a stormtrooper
Michal-"dies after missing all of his shots"

Me-"you're a stormtrooper.
by CanYouLikeNotPlease March 31, 2022
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A car that has been painted or customized to be white with black accents.
A white car with black wheels, tail lights, windows, and exc.

Dude that Escalade is stormtrooped out!
by xmayhemx April 11, 2011
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