Third wheeling for two couples, so one would be the fifth person (fifth wheel), hence the name spare tire.
Ricky and Jane went with John and Rachel to the movies on a double date. They invited David too. David politely declined, however, telling them that he didn't want to spend a perfectly good Friday night spare tiring.
by Whitest Black Person October 27, 2016
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The exsessice flab around a male waist

"mine's bigger" "what" my spare tire
by Anonymous September 14, 2003
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Similar to a third wheel, but instead of one couple and a single person, there are two couples and a single person. The name comes from the fifth wheel in a car, or the spare tire.
It was supposed to be a double date, but Tim decided to show up, thus making himself a spare tire.
by sven_meister January 1, 2011
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the girl you are talking to for no other reason than in case all your other ho-contacts suddenly turn cold on you. the spare tire in this case would be installed and ready to satisfy your sexual desires
Greg: Man, why you talkin' to Juanita? She's fuckin nasty!
Harold: She's my spare tire, you know, just in case...
by OPPuknoMe May 3, 2007
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The "ring" of fat wrapping around the mid-section, caused by lack of self-respect and being abused as a child. -used to roll oneself down hills when tired.
Hey you there, I just got a flat, can I borrow that spare tire on your waist?
by chud master August 3, 2008
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A woman that you use when your old one is getting repaired or you are waiting for a new one.
Him: so i thought you and christyna were together
Me: nah man she was a spare tire.
by togbp May 1, 2011
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the "fat boner" that is created when the waist band of one's pants are rather snug; the bulge of fat below the waistband of a pair of tight pants

faloner come in various sizes and often take years to grow to a respectable size

good places to spot faloners are usually the isles of walmart, dollar stores, and fast food resturants
These pants really accentuate my faloner.

That girl's faloner jiggles nicely while she dances.

She doesnt have a fat stomach, she has a nice faloner.

Thats not just any spare tire, thats an amazing faloner.
by poopstick67 January 2, 2009
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