sootie is a craggian term for "fake blatant hacker." He was cut from #inexorable due to the stupid opinion of numlock thinking he hacked. It's okay though, because modern day sootie is a stalian term for "fake blatant hacker who is not a virgin thx."
Hey, that guy is so leet, he's a sootie!
by Stalian #2 April 12, 2006
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1. Of very poor quality; highly inferior.
2. Contemptible; despicable.
3. Unfortunate; unpleasant.
4. Being in a state of discomfort or unhappiness; miserable.
5. Incompetent; inept.
6. Trivial; insignificant.
7. Drunk
"I wanted to drive all the way to the city, but my car is way too sooty."


"I drank so much last night and got so sooty I peed on my dog."
by Capt Sassypants November 13, 2009
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Another rude term for a negro
Blimey, look at that sooty over there, he must be at least six foot six
by David from Kingsbury November 5, 2003
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A great kids TV show in the 80s and early 90s.
by Diego August 29, 2003
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(noun, or adjective)
Someone who is sexually active based on the famous guinea pig "Sooty"

See genuine article:
He was quite sooty last night.
'Hey, Sooty' (used as a nickname)
by BusterBuster June 23, 2005
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A Persian slang;
If you "give a sooti" you are behaving or doing/saying something unusual involuntary. A funny mistake.
The president gave a khafan sooti! He was talking to the secretary while he thought that the microphones were off!
by Dr. Amin August 24, 2009
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verb: To achieve victory over one or more women
Wow, he totally sootied that girl last night.

I didn't expect him to sooty her like that..
by Sootie13131313 June 3, 2011
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