swallowed phlegm after a more or less violent attempt into dislodging it.
1- All you'se getting for lunch is a wank and a snortle young man!

2- So me an' Jimbo here well we went fishing hey? *snortle* and we .....
by mastur[de]bator January 17, 2005
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New found pokemon who is known for her loud snorting. Also known as Snortler.
Guy 1: Did you just snort?

Guy 2: Oh no thats just my new pokemon Snortle.
by Snortler_c: July 1, 2011
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We just burst out laughing, and this one guys snortled, and it ruined the moment.
by weirdgirl27 November 11, 2009
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When you're chuckling, but you accidentally snort out all of your coke.
Guy 1:hahahaaha that's so funny....


Guy 1:Goddamn, you snortled the last bit of my dime!
by BWhales September 9, 2010
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The act of snorting cocaine too hard, to the point where you let out a laugh, specifically a chortle.
Jimmy did only did one line and now he's got the snortle chortles.
by snortlechortlegal April 21, 2017
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That cute laugh snort thing girls do sometimes.
Girl: *snortles*

Guy: wow that was really cute let’s fuck
by FuckmeDaddy23 March 24, 2018
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