You have a snoogie in your nose!
by CTweedie September 23, 2007
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A hickey followed by a noticeable bite mark.
John got busted by his girl when she found that snoogie on his neck.
by youngandrestless March 4, 2009
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A Vagina, including all related anatomic structures such as the clitoris, pubic hair and labia.
John came so much that Jane was picking crusties off of her Snoogie Bug for a month.
by Scut Monkey August 8, 2009
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Sexi time, I think. I read a Calvin and Hobbes Comic and that’s what I extrapolated.
“Look, just give me a hint, ok? One hint, c’mon!”
“Ok here: ‘Snoogy-Woogy Wips.’”
“See? I told you you weren’t old enough.”
by ReiaDaGeia November 20, 2020
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Snoogie means sexy in italics- Snoogie himself
Woah you look really snoogie today.”- sum bitch
by Wallflwrss March 28, 2021
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Means Sexy in italics and is a very hot name and is a very good and virtuous person and has a big pp and you’re lucky to have someone who calls themselves Snoogie (unless someone else took the name since it only belongs to me)
Ayo who dat, who dat? Bitch I got that Flame- it’s SNOOGIE
by ImSnoogie March 28, 2021
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