A deragotary term used to define your wife. Use with caution and only when one is extremely angry.
"listen here snatchy, we're going to this party whether you like it or not."
by HANSLEAVY June 28, 2006
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1. Something snatchy is something that sucks, AKA, shitty. Sometimes used in place of shit, shitty, horrible, terrible, awful, crappy, or just plain bad.

2. A nickname for a friend that you consider to be a snatch master.
1. I can't believe I paid 10 bucks to see that snatchy Will Ferrell movie.

2. What's up, snatchy?
by boxcarjoes October 21, 2007
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the act of grabbing at something or someone; a grabbing hand gesture that confirms happiness, sweetness, or overall awesome-ocity.
Bob: Dude, did you eat my pudding?
Dave: Maybe
Bob: Is that your banana?
Dave: Yes
by Michael Manahan October 25, 2005
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The act of taking the seat, or possession of another. One must call "snatchies" before one can take the seat or possession of another. Can be countered if someone calls "fives" before leaving their seat.
1. Mer: dude im gonna go grab another drink.
Ben: Snatchies. (takes Mer's seat)

2. Me: Snatchies on Mer's 360!
by TheCutchens December 6, 2007
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snatchies is used in place of dibs when dibs gets overused or too old. Snatchies overrides dibs in every situation except one where your ass gets beaten down.
Snatchies refers to snatching something, like the shotgun of a car or the last piece of pizza on a plate.
*One piece of cheesecake left*
guy 1: Dibs
guy 2: Snatchies
guy 1: *looks around to see if guy 2 is about to get his ass beaten down* dammit, you get it
guy 3: Dude, you say dibs like every 5 seconds, of course guy 2 is gonna get it
guy 2: Hellz yea
by Doomblaze December 15, 2007
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1. fine, dandy, okay, well, spiffy, neato, all right
2. bitchy, nasty, having a tendency to want to break your legs
1. Miriam: "hey, how are you?"
Me: "just snatchy, yourself?"
2. Miriam: "i'm going to break your legs"
Me: "don't get so snatchy on me..."
by Locke November 23, 2003
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Short version of snapchat. Easy Way to say you are taking or looking at a snapchat picture.
Kristin just sent me a snatchy.

Wait let me send this snatchy real quick.
by controledmess January 19, 2014
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