SMK-Suck My Kiss
a song by the Red Hot Chili peppers
Your Mouth Was Made To Suck My Kiss.
by John Fru September 5, 2003
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"hey, what do you want?"
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Shit my knickers. Used in the place of OMG or when something is so funny you happen to shit yourself.
Please arise for the pimp hand strong prayer. "Dear Lord, please make me pimp hand strong so I can teach this bitch ass ho some respect. Amen."

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Shorthand for a game played with women. Consists of getting a Blowjob and inturn having her swallow you semen, which explains the name of the game.

SMK = Swallow My Kids
Hey, want to play a nice game of SMK?
by Absolute Shadows May 22, 2005
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(smacking my knee) you say this when you think something is funny
omg that is suppper funnny i am smking !!
by cheeseandcrackers85 March 24, 2011
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-When laughing so hard you slap you knee.
-Another form of LOL
SMK, that is so funny.
(Slap My Knee)
by DDRA87 September 8, 2010
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