A gopping vagina, one that smells after a night out, or due to a lack of feminine hygiene. a disco fanny. Also a term used when something in general is disgusting, horrid and vile.
"That girls skirt is so short I can see her baggy slonge"

Girl 1- "Have you just opened a tin of cat food?"
Girl 2- "No that's my Gopping Slonge"
by n-conte October 31, 2010
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Ramsey: "Who's that?"
Richard: "Thats Amit."
Ramsey: "Oh, the one with the slong!"
by i<3amit February 7, 2010
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When one rubs a body part (usually the hand) on another's neck. This will result in a brief but distinct choking noise.
"dude, i'm gonna go slonge Bridget"
"cool man"

by Joe/Dan/Kevin January 4, 2009
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A long and slow version of any activity, usually achieved by someone slowing down on purpose.
Coach: Jason! Stop Slonging the play!
Jason: Sorry Coach!
by Phillazy March 27, 2018
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