something that God put on this world to open up a mental gateway and help us better understand what the real purpose and meaning of life is, but is used by few due to the fact that the fuckin government makes it out to be a bad thing and therefore illegalized it
adam and eve probably first discovered God after eating the shrooms he conveniently placed in the garden. what the fuck does that tell you??
by Khronic March 12, 2006
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Mushrooms containing psilocybin and psilocin, that are ingested for there hallucinogenic properties.

Can be found through out the world except the poles. Many myths about these mushrooms are present today, most totaly false.
by Terance W. July 10, 2005
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To trip on shrooms.
I was frying balls. I shroomed so hard I thought the orange frisbee was a god.
by Tim March 13, 2003
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Gods gift to the world. The greatest thing you will ever do. They are fucking amazing! They are great to eat as a cookie too.
These shrooms are awesome
by cunt burger35 May 27, 2012
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when using shrooms watch the movie Dawn of the Dead, or Pink Floyd the wall they are fucking intense
when trippin out on shrooms i was hanging over a sink eatting icecream with my hands, which just seemed like a good idea at the time, i listened to the comfortably numb solo it lasted what felt like an hour and my hand was fucking cold from the ice cream.
by Shroom Face April 30, 2006
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Hands down, one of the greatest experiences of my life. My friends and I all did it together, it was a couple of our first times, and we all had positive outlooks on it, and just had such freaking amazing trips. Lights put you in a trance, you can see the vibrations of things, and just everything is so much more vibrant. But, one of my friends were having a very negative outlook on the shrooms and had a very bad trip. Constant paranoia, sweating profusely, seeing fucked up shit, and so on. But seriously, shrooms was easily one of the sweetest things I've ever done.. The only thing is, it's impossible to sleep while on shrooms.

It's unexplainable about how you feel, but wow, it is ever so wonderful.

Don't go out to a party if it's your first time, it's much better to be with your friends at one of your houses, just chillin - It will keep everyone calm, and just so much of a better trip.

Shroomhead 2: "Don't listen to him, he's trippin on shrooms, we were watching the stick."
by thatonegirl05 October 6, 2007
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crazy mushrooms. interdimensional warpfield activators
..excuse just going to check up on the other dimensions. see how things are doing...
by hypercube August 23, 2005
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